This is the official link of the Synod:
This is the official link of THE UNIVERSAL STAGE OF SYNOD:
Follow the work of the Continental Assemblies from this link:
The Assembly of the European delegates of the Synod is concluded
Al término de cuatro días de escucha y diálogo a partir de las resonancias suscitadas por el Documento de Trabajo para la Etapa continental en el seno de las Iglesias de las que procedían los delegados de la Asamblea continental europea, la asamblea aprobó un proyecto de síntesis de los trabajos realizados hasta el momento, con la conciencia de haber vivido una "experiencia profundamente espiritual a través del método sinodal".
An exciting job not exempt from tensions and questions
They were very dense days, in which intuitions deepened, but also the tensions and questions that the European Churches face.
Un trabajo definido "rico y apasionante", aunque "no exento de problemas y dificultades", que permitió – se lee en el comunicado final –mirar a los ojos a la Iglesia que está en Europa, con todos los tesoros de las dos grandes tradiciones latina y oriental que la componen. En particular, la Asamblea sintió "el dolor de las heridas que marcan nuestra historia reciente, comenzando por las que la Iglesia ha infligido a través de los abusos perpetrados por algunas personas en el desempeño de su ministerio u oficio eclesial, y terminando – se precisa – con las causadas por la monstruosa violencia de la guerra de agresión que ensangrienta Ucrania y el terremoto que devastó Turquía y Siria".
"Nuestra Iglesia es bella, portadora de una variedad que es también nuestra riqueza", se subraya asimismo. Y después de esta iniciativa en el corazón de Europa, los participantes sienten que la aman aún más profundamente, "a pesar de las heridas que le ha infligido, por las que necesita pedir perdón para avanzar realmente hacia la reconciliación, la sanación de la memoria y la acogida de las personas heridas". Donde amar a la Iglesia, se aclara, no es una forma de mero sentimentalismo.
It is possible to meet and love the Church in its variety
La Asamblea sinodal se dio cuenta de que es posible encontrarse, escucharse y dialogar partiendo de las diferencias y más allá de los "numerosos obstáculos, muros y barreras que nos pone nuestra historia". Se dio cuenta de la necesidad de apoyarse mutuamente en la estima recíproca, fortalecidos por la fe en el Señor y el poder de su Espíritu.
El compromiso es seguir caminando en un estilo sinodal, precisando que no se trata tanto de una metodología como de un estilo de vida eclesial, de discernimiento comunitario y de discernimiento de los signos de los tiempos. Esto se tradujo en el deseo de que la Asamblea continental no permanezca como una experiencia aislada, sino que se convierta en una cita periódica, basada en la adopción general del "método sinodal que impregna todas nuestras estructuras y procedimientos a todos los niveles".
Synodality to give dignity to all members of the Church
El acompañamiento de las personas heridas, el protagonismo de los jóvenes y de las mujeres, la apertura al aprendizaje de los marginados, son algunos de los ámbitos en los que queremos trabajar, precisamente adoptando este estilo en perspectiva misionera y sin descuidar el horizonte ecuménico y el diálogo interreligioso, "sin dejarnos paralizar por el miedo, sino sacando de él la energía para continuar el camino". Hacer la unidad en la diversidad, huir de la tentación de la uniformidad y abrirse a la acogida como testimonio del amor incondicional del Padre por sus hijos: éstas son las dos tensiones que hay que vivir para que la tienda de la Iglesia se mantenga. "Construir una Iglesia cada vez más sinodal – subraya la Asamblea – es una manera de concretar la igualdad en dignidad de todos los miembros de la Iglesia".
Some priorities on the synodal style
Se han enumerado algunas prioridades: profundizar en la práctica, teológica y hermenéutica, de la sinodalidad. "Tenemos que redescubrir algo que es antiguo y pertenece a la naturaleza de la Iglesia, y que siempre es nuevo" y sólo estamos en los primeros pasos. Se trata entonces de abordar el sentido de una Iglesia toda ministerial, como horizonte en el que situar la reflexión sobre los carismas y los ministerios (ordenados y no ordenados) y las relaciones entre ellos.
In addition, the forms for a synodal exercise of authority must be explored, that is, the service of accompanying the community and ensuring unity, but the discernment criteria in the synodal process must also be clarified and at what level, from the local to the the universal, decisions must be made.
Women, liturgy, formation, mission, languages, poor
Una vez más, tomar decisiones concretas y valientes sobre el papel de la mujer en la Iglesia y su mayor participación a todos los niveles, incluso en la toma de decisiones . Considerar las tensiones en torno a la liturgia, para incluir sinodalmente la Eucaristía como fuente de comunión; cuidar la formación a la sinodalidad de todo el Pueblo de Dios, con particular atención al discernimiento de los signos de los tiempos con vistas al desarrollo de la misión común. Innovar el sentido vivo de la misión, superar la fractura entre fe y cultura para volver a llevar el Evangelio al sentir del pueblo, encontrar un lenguaje capaz de articular tradición y actualización, pero sobre todo caminar con las personas en lugar de hablar de ellas o a ellas. "El Espíritu nos pide que escuchemos el grito de los pobres y de la tierra en nuestra Europa", concluye el comunicado. "Y, en particular, el grito desesperado de las víctimas de la guerra que piden una paz justa".
Here you have a website with prayer resources.
Official link Prayers for the Synod:
And also this is the official link of the Synod:
The diocesan phase of the 2023 Synod (now extended to 2024) has come to an end and we are in what the Church calls the continental phase. As a result of all this, we are in a position to be able to read the conclusions of the entire continent and we are invited to continue in this process of contributions to the published document.
On this occasion, the synodal document has a suggestive title: "Widen the space of your store." And we remember a paragraph of the letter that, at the time, the Dicastery (DIVCSVA) sent us:
“… It is a matter of making a journey that wants to be, from now on, an experience of synodality because, as Pope Francis reminds us, «a synodal Church is a Church of listening, with the awareness that listening is more than hearing: it is a reciprocal listening in which each one has something to learn…”
January 26, 2022
This section of the official page of the synod offers a ROADMAP for those participating in the consultation of the diocese for the First Phase of the Synod 2021-2023. As you can see, there is a lot of information in each of the links. To see it you must click on the following link.
We are traveling the synodal path in the dioceses
How to make Synodality a reality?
How to make Synodality a reality? to this question will answer the professor and dean of the Faculty of Canon Law of the Pontifical University of Salamanca (UPSA), Joseph Saint Joseph Prisco, in a online presentation which will take place saturday march 26 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. To participate you only need to register by clicking here.
The Episcopal Commission for the Laity, Family and Life organize this presentation and invites the diocesan delegates of the Secular Apostolate to participate; movements, associations and congregations; those in charge and members of the synodal teams in the dioceses; and, in general, to all those who are participating or interested in the synodal process.
Synod 2021-23 – The first balance
Vatican City, February 7, 2022
El miércoles 26 de enero de 2022, el XV Consejo Ordinario del Sínodo de los Obispos se reunió de forma presencial y online. En el centro de los trabajos, una revisión de la marcha del proceso sinodal y una nota para los "informes" de las diócesis, las conferencias episcopales, los sínodos de las Iglesias orientales u otros organismos eclesiales.
Some three months after the opening of the synodal process, the Ordinary Council expressed great satisfaction at the progress of the process at the local level. Up to 98% of the episcopal conferences and synods of the Eastern Churches around the world have appointed a person or a whole team to carry out the synodal process. The evaluation of the Ordinary Council was based on the results that emerged from the exchanges during a fortnight of online meetings with synod leaders from around the world organized by the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops in November-December 2021.
The global synodal process
The Church is on its way! Many dioceses and other ecclesial realities have begun the synodal process. The laity, organized or not, and the consecrated life in particular are showing great enthusiasm, which is translating into a myriad of initiatives aimed at promoting ecclesial consultation and discernment. This is confirmed by the numerous testimonies received by the General Secretariat from all over the world and published periodically on the website: in addition to being a reason for hope, they are a sign that the Holy Spirit is at work.
Those who have lived a synodal experience up to now speak of a joyful experience and speak of a true transformation in their belonging to the ecclesial community.
In general, it is clear that the timing of the launch, the form of consultation and the participation of the People of God vary from one region of the world to another. In particular, the synodal process is welcomed with joy and enthusiasm in several countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia. When a diocesan or national synodal process was already underway or about to begin, the two synodal dynamics were harmonized. The extension of the listening phase of the People of God was especially appreciated.
The documents published by the General Secretariat were well received, and a commendable effort was made to translate them locally. In some countries, the task is complicated by distances and the multiplicity of local languages.
The ecumenical dimension is quite well integrated and follows the indications suggested in the paper meeting of Cardinal Koch and Cardinal Grech on October 29. There is also a certain enthusiasm and desire on the part of other Christian confessions to contribute to the path undertaken by the Catholic Church. As for the interreligious dimension, it naturally prevails in countries where Christians are a minority. Also in this case an important contribution is expected.
A consistent effort has been made to promote communication through various media and online platforms. In many dioceses and episcopal conferences, websites and pages on social networks have sprung up to offer and inform about the journey in their own realities. For its part, the General Secretariat uses, in addition to the institutional website, other tools such as a weekly newsletter, a website that collects experiences and resources produced at the local level ( and a prayer site for the synod ( created together with the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network and the International Union of Superiors General.
The challenges
Although the synodal process is perceived by many faithful as a crucial moment for the Church, a process of learning, conversion and renewal of ecclesial life, some difficulties also arise. Fear and reluctance exist among some groups of the faithful and among the clergy. There is also a certain distrust among the laity, who doubt that their contribution is really taken into account.
The current pandemic situation is also a major obstacle, greatly limiting face-to-face meetings. The consultation of the People of God cannot be reduced to a simple questionnaire, since the true challenge of synodality is precisely mutual listening and community discernment.
The synodal process also shows some recurring challenges, such as: 1) the need for formation, especially in listening and discernment so that the Synod is truly a spiritual process and not reduced to a parliamentary debate; 2) avoid self-referentiality in group meetings, because listening to others, which is based on prayer and listening to the Word of God, can only lead to openness to others with a view to announcing the Gospel. A synodal church is a missionary church in which each baptized person feels co-responsible for the mission of the Church; 3) the need to find new ways to improve youth participation; 4) the involvement of those who live outside the ecclesiastical institutions; and, finally, 5) the disorientation expressed by the clergy.
In conclusion, it can be said that the novelty of the synodal process certainly arouses much joy and dynamism, but also a series of uncertainties that must be addressed. There is more and more awareness that the synodal conversion to which each baptized person is called is a long process that will last longer than the process itself. From many sectors it is desired that the path begun at the local level continue throughout the synodal process and much further, so that the ecclesial community can make synodality more and more tangible as a constitutive dimension of the Church.
Note for the elaboration of the synthesis
En respuesta a las numerosas peticiones recibidas por la Secretaría General, se está preparando una Nota para la elaboración de las "síntesis" por parte de las diócesis y conferencias episcopales. Se trata de una herramienta al servicio de las distintas realidades eclesiales que se comprometerán en los próximos meses a elaborar los resultados de su discernimiento eclesial. La Nota propone la idea de que la redacción de la síntesis es, en sí misma, un acto de discernimiento, es decir, el fruto de un proceso espiritual y de un trabajo en equipo.
The press release is available at ENG - ESP - FROM - ITA - BY
More info
Pray for unity, pray for synod
In a joint letter sent on October 28, 2021 to all bishops responsible for ecumenism, Cardinal Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, and Cardinal Grech, secretary general of the Synod of Bishops, presented suggestions to implement the ecumenical dimension of the synodal process in the local churches. “In fact, both synodality and ecumenism are processes that invite us to walk together,” the two cardinals wrote.
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity2022, preparada por el Consejo de Iglesias de Próximo Oriente, bajo el lema "Nosotros hemos visto aparecer su estrella en el oriente y hemos venido a rendirle homenaje" (Mt 2,2), ofrece una buena oportunidad para orar con todos los cristianos para que el Sínodo se desarrolle en un espíritu ecuménico.
Reflecting on the subject, the two cardinals affirm: “Like the Magi, Christians also walk together (synodos) guided by the same heavenly light and facing the same darkness of the world. They too are called to adore Jesus together and to open his treasures. Aware of our need to be accompanied by our brothers and sisters in Christ and of their many gifts, we ask you to walk with us during these two years and sincerely pray that Christ will draw us closer to Him and thus bring us closer to one another. ”
For this reason, the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity are pleased to offer this prayer, inspired by the theme of Week 2022, which could be added to the other proposed intentions:
For this reason, the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity are pleased to offer this prayer, inspired by the theme of Week 2022, which could be added to the other proposed intentions:
For this reason, the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity are pleased to offer this prayer, inspired by the theme of Week 2022, which could be added to the other proposed intentions:
For this reason, the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity are pleased to offer this prayer, inspired by the theme of Week 2022, which could be added to the other proposed intentions:
For this reason, the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity are pleased to offer this prayer, inspired by the theme of Week 2022, which could be added to the other proposed intentions:
For this reason, the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity are pleased to offer this prayer, inspired by the theme of Week 2022, which could be added to the other proposed intentions:
For this reason, the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity are pleased to offer this prayer, inspired by the theme of Week 2022, which could be added to the other proposed intentions:
For this reason, the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity are pleased to offer this prayer, inspired by the theme of Week 2022, which could be added to the other proposed intentions:
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Take a moment and reflect on the last few months of your synodal journey: How have you engaged in the process #Synod up to now?
A survey is a very useful tool to collect the opinion of the people regarding synodality. In every parish or diocese there is a majority of Christians who would not otherwise be reached and a survey also allows each voice to have its specific weight along with all others.
To facilitate consultations on synodality, we share the form of a questionnaire that we have prepared and that you can use to make your own survey. In our pastoral unit we are doing the survey both with physical paper support and through the internet.
Through the internet, we have used Google Forms, Vida Nueva magazine has prepared a questionnaire, which you have available at the following link and you can freely adapt. Thank you very much! Here you have the link:
I Asamblea eclesial de América Latina y Caribe a raíz del Sínodo de los Obispos 21-23 "Por una Iglesia sinodal: Comunión, Participación y Misión"
Document for community discernment of the First Ecclesial Assembly of Latin America and the Caribbean HERE
Given the numerous communications that have been received in these first weeks of the synodal process, the Ordinary Council of the Synod of Bishops has decided to extend to August 15, 2022 the deadline for the presentation of the summaries of the consultations by the Episcopal Conferences, the Eastern Catholic Churches independent and the other ecclesial organisms. KNOW MORE: COMMUNICATION
Vídeo de la Ponencia "Por Una Iglesia Sinodal: Comunión, Participación y Misión"
You can also find in this link the roadmap, the preparatory document, the formulary, the logo and other resources of the Synod 2021-23:
January 26, 2022
On October 9 and 10, 2021, the opening of a three-year synodal path was celebrated and articulated in three phases (diocesan, continental and universal), made up of consultations and discernment, which will culminate with the Assembly of October 2023 in Rome. It is the first time in the history of this institution that a Synod begins decentralized. In October 2015, Pope Francis, commemorating the 50th anniversary of this institution, had expressed the desire for a common path of "lay people, pastors, Bishop of Rome" through the "strengthening" of the Assembly of Bishops and "a healthy decentralization. The wish now comes true.
En esta dirección el Papa Francisco ha aprobado un nuevo itinerario sinodal para la XVI Asamblea General Ordinaria del Sínodo de los Obispos, prevista para el mes de octubre del 2022, con el tema: "Por una Iglesia sinodal: comunión, participación y misión". La Secretaría General del Sínodo de los Obispos, con el consenso del Consejo Ordinario, ha propuesto una modalidad inédita para el camino hacia la Asamblea.
El Papa Francisco ha aprobado un nuevo itinerario sinodal para la XVI Asamblea General Ordinaria del Sínodo de los Obispos, prevista para el mes de octubre del 2022, con el tema: "Por una Iglesia sinodal: comunión, participación y misión". La Secretaría General del Sínodo de los Obispos, con el consenso del Consejo Ordinario, ha propuesto una modalidad inédita para el camino hacia la Asamblea.
The route for the celebration of the Synod will be divided into three phases, between October 2021 and October 2023, passing through a diocesan and a continental phase, which will give life to two Instrument of Work different, before the definitive phase at the level of the Universal Church.
The Synod of Bishops is the point of convergence of the dynamism of reciprocal listening in the Holy Spirit, conducted at all levels of the Church (Cf. Address of the Holy Father Francis in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the institution of the Synod of Bishops, October 17, 2015). The articulation of the different phases of the synodal process will make possible the real listening of the People of God and will guarantee the participation of all in the synodal process. It is not just an event, but a process that involves in synergy the People of God, the Episcopal College and the Bishop of Rome, each according to his own function.
The way to the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, then, will be carried out with the following itinerary:
- Opening of the Synod (October 2021)
The opening of the Synod will take place in the Vatican and in each diocese. This path will be inaugurated by the Holy Father in the Vatican on October 9 and 10.
On Sunday October 17, with the same modality, it will be opened in the dioceses under the presidency of the respective bishop.
- Diocesan phase (October 2021 - April 2022)
The objective of this phase is the consultation of the People of God (cf. Episcopal Communion, 5,2) with the purpose that the synodal process is carried out in the listening of the totality of the baptized, subjects of the a sense of faith infallible in believing.
To facilitate consultation and participation of all, the following itinerary is presented:
General Secretariat of the Synod
The General Secretariat of the Synod will send a preparatory Document, accompanied by a questionnaire and a Vademecum with proposals to carry out the consultation in each diocese.
This Document will also be sent to the Dicasteries of the Roman Curia, to the Unions of Superiors and Major Superiors and other unions, to the federations of consecrated life, to the international movements of the laity, to the Universities and Faculties of Theology.
Diocese (particular Churches) and Episcopal Conferences or corresponding bodies
Each bishop will nominate a diocesan person in charge (possibly a team) for the synodal consultation, who can serve as a point of reference and contact with the Episcopal Conference and who will accompany the consultation in the particular Church, in all its steps (before October 2021) .
Each Episcopal Conference will appoint, in turn, a person in charge (eventually a team) who will act as a reference and contact with the diocesan leaders and with the General Secretariat of the Synod (before October 2021)
The consultation in the dioceses will be carried out through the participation bodies provided for by law, without excluding other modalities that are deemed appropriate for the same consultation to be real and effective. (cfr. Episcopal Communion, 6).
The consultation of the People of God in each diocese will conclude with a presidonal meeting, which will be the culminating moment of diocesan discernment.
After the closure of the diocesan phase, each diocese will send its contributions to the Episcopal Conference before the date established by the Episcopal Conference itself. In the Eastern Churches the contributions will be sent to the corresponding organizations.
Episcopal Conferences or corresponding bodies
A period of discernment will be opened for the shepherds gathered in an assembly (Episcopal Conference), who are asked to listen to what the Spirit has aroused in the Church that has been entrusted to them.
The person in charge of the Episcopal Conference will also participate in the process of drafting the synthesis, as regards the synodal process and his team, as well as the representatives elected to participate in the Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod in Rome, once they have been ratified by the Holy Father.
The synthesis will be sent to the General Secretariat of the Synod. The contributions of each particular Church will also be sent (before April 2022).
Other contributions
Contributions sent by the Dicasteries of the Roman Curia, the Universities, Faculties of Theology, the Unions of Superiors and Superiors General (USG-UISG), other unions, the federations of Consecrated Life, and the international lay movements (before April 2022).
General Secretariat of the Synod
The General Secretariat of the Synod will proceed to draft the first Instrument of Work (before September 2022).
- Continental phase (September 2022 - March 2023)
The purpose of this phase is to dialogue at the continental level about the text of the first Instrument of Work, carrying out a further act of discernment in light of the specific cultural characteristics of each continent.
General Secretariat of the Synod
The General Secretariat of the Synod will publish and send the first Instrument of Work (in September 2022).
International Meeting of Episcopal Conferences
Each International Meeting of Episcopal Conferences will appoint, in turn, a person in charge who will act as contact between the Episcopal Conferences and with the General Secretariat of the Synod (before September 2022).
Pre-Synodal Discernment in the Continental Assemblies. The criteria for the participation of residential bishops and other members of the People of God will be established.
The Assemblies will conclude with the drafting of a final document, which will be sent to the General Secretariat of the Synod (March 2023).
Other contributions
At the same time as the pre-synod meetings at the continental level, it is recommended that international assemblies of specialists also be held, who can send their contributions to the General Secretariat of the Synod (March 2023).
General Secretariat of the Synod
The General Secretariat of the Synod will proceed to the drafting of the second Instrument of Work (before June 2023).
- Phase of the Universal Church (October 2023)
The General Secretariat of the Synod will send the second Instrument of Work to the participants of the Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops.
Celebration of the Synod of Bishops in Rome, according to the procedures established in the Apostolic Constitution Episcopal Communion (October 2023).