The First Miracle of Santa Carmen Sallés by M. Amelia Román
"Madre, consígueme la curación para todo el tiempo necesario, hasta que pueda ser considerado as a valid miracle for your beatification. AND then, God willing, send me the letter again misma enfermedad u otra peor".
January 26, 2022
January 26, 2022
This prayer is a cry from the heart, overflowing with affection, generosity and even a naive recklessness, similar to that of Mary Magdalene on the morning of the Resurrection, when she said to the supposed gardener: "Señor si te lo has llevado, dime donde lo has puesto y yo iré y me lo llevaré" (Jn., 20, 15) And it is that Pascal said well that the heart has reasons that reason does not know...
The person praying was the conceptionist Sister Amelia Román Villar, once a young woman brimming with health until, at the age of 29, she began to feel severe back pain, while her weight decreased incessantly.
Doctors from Pamplona, Alicante, León, Madrid visited her... They prescribed a hard bed, sun baths; up to fire buttons - before the appearance of a purulent abscess. All in vain. The medical diagnosis was "espondiolitubercular tis, in such an advanced state that it necessarily supposes absolute incurability in terms of the lesion, and fatal for the life of the patient in a few years.
Two passed. The diagnosis was maintained, but life expectancy had been shortened: "ningún tratamiento quirúrgico es posible -dijeron los médicos del Hospital de San Carlos-, la muerte es cuestión de meses".
He went to die, to San Lorenzo de EI Escorial, which was the place recommended by the family doctor. But once there, the sick woman said the prayer that opens these lines; she also made a novena asking for healing "por intercesion of M. Carmen”. Every day her sisters from the professed community and the young women from the novitiate did it with her.
Except for the last day, the ninth, when most of the community attended to some families from Madrid. But the Ha Amelia and the novices did not miss the appointment. On the contrary, they redoubled the intensity of her faith and her hope. And it happened. The Ha Amelia experienced a sensation "como si una memo suave recorriera mi espalda "... First she straightened up, then she knelt down, crouched down, crossed her arms... all the gestures that had been forbidden to her by the disease! Not the slightest pain, not the slightest discomfort.
The disbelief of the sisters had to be overcome, determined to verify again and again that it was true, that she was cured. And convince Mother General, or better, overcome her prudence, who imposed a waiting period to avoid false illusions. Then came the visits to the doctors again, obtaining x-rays that showed the replacement of the damaged vertebrae with others, flexible and tender, as if born again. And of the abscess, no trace. Dr. Ángel Enciso explained it like this:
"Todos los síntomas, incluso el absceso cerrado con la cicatriz, sin excepcion, had disappeared; the impossibilitylidad de movimiento había sido sustituida por una total libertad para todos ellos y las radiografías que mandé obtener confirmaron sin ningún género de duda esta espontanea y rápida curación, sin dejar resto alguno de la dolencia, ni físico, ni funcional".
He lived forty more years. And he passed away due to a digestive system disease, without ever feeling the slightest discomfort in his back, despite doing physically hard work. This has been testified by several sisters who knew and treated her, and some of her relatives, in the extension of the Process carried out in 1991. During it, the opinion of some doctors has also been requested; one of them, Dr. Wangüemert, then head of the traumatology section of the Hospital de La Alcaldesa, in San Lorenzo de El Escorial, after carefully studying her entire clinical history, stated:
"...Por el tiempo de evolución y por la existencia del absceso frio fistulizado, la enfermedad llegó a periodos muy avanzados que, indiscutiblemente, en el hipotético caso de curación, habría dejado señales clínicas y radiológicas como deformación ósea y fusiones vertebrales, con calcificación de los abscesos, lo cual supone imágenes visibles en las radiografías posteriores, en las que, sin embargo, no aparecen... "
"... Por todo esto y después de haber seen the x-rays taken by the Doctor Arce in 1952, I think we are in conditions to affirm that Sisterna Amelia Román Villar suffered a Abscessed and fistulized fimic spondylitis (Pott's disease) that disappeared due to a crisis, leaving no radiographic sign in her vertebrae. Said cure, nowadays, and even more so in 1934, has no medical explanation”.
After once again studying all the documentation referring to this cure, by the Commissions of Physicians and Theological Consultants, and having seen their opinion, the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints, through the Commission of Cardinals and Bishops, has reached the conclusion that, indeed, God put his seal on her, to confirm the sanctity of Carmen Sallés.