The Concepción Misioneras de la Enseñanza Congregation was founded by Santa Carmen Sallés y Barangueras in Burgos, Spain, with the mission of evangelizing through education. What do we exist for? To offer an evangelizing educational service of excellence inspired by Mary Immaculate and Christian values that contribute to the formation of competent, connected, committed, believing and conceptionist people.
What are our institutional objectives?
1. Make Jesus Christ known as redeemer and teacher. |
3. Live the educational mission as means of evangelization. |
5. Develop an educational action January 26, 2022 |
7. Offer an educational style that promote the experience of values ethical and Christian, as well as the respect for diversity and with special attention to the most people in need. |
2. Know Mary Immaculate as the inspirer of charisma, model educational and effective means of evangelism. |
4. Contribute to the development of the entire human potential: intellectual, emotional, physical, social, ethical and spiritual to achieve the maturity of the person. |
6. Promote an education personalized considering the student as the center of action educational, helping you grow as a person and to be in the world responsibly, critically and creative. |
8. Provide educators experiences and training in human, professional aspects, religious and charismatic. |
Where do we carry out our mission?
Conceptionist educational-pastoral action is carried out in very varied structures and situations:
Schools and Vocational Training Centers.
Nursery schools.
University and pilgrim residences.
Social works.
Collaboration with other educational entities.
In most centers, all educational levels are integrated, with the exception of university, although there are some that work only in the early childhood education stage and others in which only the higher levels of systematized education are taught.
The centers offer other complementary services and activities: school cafeterias and religious, cultural, recreational, sports activities, etc.
The educational-evangelizing action extends beyond school age, and it is common to maintain frequent communication and relationships with former students through their associations.
The LayConceptionist Movement It is a specific form of lay participation in the Conceptionist charism, in its spirituality and mission.
The Always Forward Foundation favors aid and promotion to developing countries. It wants to be an ONGD expert in humanity, a sign of communion and fraternity. Seek, through your actions, that everyone have opportunities to develop the germs of goodness and wisdom that God has placed in their hearts.
In the deep roots of our identity there is a force that guides it incessantly; It is the “Forward, always forward, God will provide” that resonates in every heart and every environment.
January 26, 2022
In all Educational Centers a Educational-Pastoral Project at the beginning of each course. In the elaboration of this project, the general objective determined at the Organism level is based on, and the specific objectives and activities are elaborated, according to the priorities and needs of each center. At all times, the personal accompaniment of the students is promoted through tutorial action, as well as close and familiar treatment, based on the love, respect and appreciation of each of the students.
During the holidays they are offered different activities according to age: youth camps, work camps, youth easter Y language courses. In addition, missionary volunteering is carried out with teachers, former students and other young people. Various apostolic movements function in the centers. Has an important force the Missionary Conception Movement that offers a comprehensive Christian formation to children and young people, in order to help them in their faith process, following the pedagogy and spirituality of Carmen Sallés, while providing them with service activities. The training of monitors It is also a priority objective, offering them courses in order to deepen the spirituality of the Movement.
From the different Government Teams of the Congregation proper selection has been promoted and la Christian and pedagogical formation of the secular teachers and collaborating personnel, who today are the majority of the personnel in our Educational Centers. Likewise, it is intended that the shared mission between religious and lay people is a reality, for which time and training are dedicated to this important task. From the shared mission it is tried that the teachers are co-responsible in the evangelizing mission that the Lord has entrusted to us. Some, in addition to teaching religion class and other subjects, are monitors of the Conceptionist Missionary Movement, catechists who prepare for the reception of the sacraments of Christian initiation and some belong to the Lay Conceptionist Movement.
The apostolic mission of the centers also extends to the parents. We consider your involvement and collaboration essential. They are encouraged and helped in human and Christian formation through personal encounters, meetings, conferences, commissions, parents' schools, etc. so that they are evangelizing agents in the family and in society.
In all schools the Alumni Association. They are also offered different formative activities: assemblies, prayer and reflection groups, celebrations and festive meetings. In some centers, they collaborate with the parish in the preparation for the sacraments of communion and confirmation, in the preparation of the Sunday Eucharist and assignment of the school premises for the use of parish catechesis. At different times of the school year, they actively participate in the campaigns organized by the Church: Domund, Missionary Childhood, Manos Unidas, Christmas Campaign.
Within our apostolic works are the Residences. In them a mission of human and cultural formation and a specific pastoral is carried out. Among the residents the capacity for relationship is developed and it is about creating a climate of solidarity and fraternal coexistence; the performance is also maximized according to its own capacity, creating an environment of study, silence and responsible freedom. Training and cultural activities are also offered according to their level.
January 26, 2022
January 26, 2022