MESSAGE FROM THE HOLY FATHER FRANCIS FOR THE 57TH WORLD DAY OF SOCIAL COMMUNICATIONS Speak from the heart, “in truth and in love” (Eph 4:15) Dear […]
World Day of Prayer for Vocations and Native Vocations Day
La Iglesia celebra el 30 de abril la Jornada Mundial de oración por las vocaciones y la Jornada de vocaciones nativas bajo el lema, «Ponte en camino. No esperes más». Esta campaña se difunden de manera conjunta […]
Lent 2023 – Message from the Pope
Mensaje del Santo Padre para la Cuaresma 2023 Ascesis cuaresmal, un camino sinodal (texto íntegro) Queridos hermanos y hermanas: Los evangelios de Mateo, Marcos y Lucas concuerdan al […]
Message from Pope Francis for Lent
Lenten ascesis, a synodal path Dear brothers and sisters: The gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke agree when recounting the episode of the Transfiguration of Jesus. In this event we see […]
Education and Family
To crown the Year “Family Amoris Laetitia”, the magazine Educatio Catholica dedicates the monographic section of no. 4/2022 to the relationship between «Education and Family», fruit of the collaboration between the Dicastery for […]
World Day of the Sick 2023
February 11, 2023 – Campaign for the Sick MESSAGE FROM THE HOLY FATHER FRANCIS FOR THE XXXI WORLD DAY OF THE SICK “Take care of him.” Compassion as a synodal exercise […]
February 10: Voluntary Fasting Day
El día del ayuno voluntario se celebra siempre el viernes previo al segundo domingo de febrero, este año el 10 de febrero de 2023. Ya que al segundo domingo de […]
Let us pray that parishes, putting communion at the center, become increasingly communities of faith, fraternity and welcome to those most in need. Pope Francis – February 2023 […]
XXVII World Day of Consecrated Life
On February 2 we celebrate the XXVII World Day of Consecrated Life. On this occasion, the Episcopal Commission for Consecrated Life proposes as a motto for reflection […]
On the third Sunday in ordinary time, this year January 22, the Church celebrates the Sunday of the Word of God. A Day established by Pope Francis on September 30, […]