Laudato Si Week 2022
Access the Calendar of Events for the week Laudato Sí 2022 HERE
Access the Laudato Sí Week 2022 Bulletin here
La semana del 22 al 29 de mayo se celebrará Laudato Si' con el tema "Escuchar y caminar juntos". Con ello se reconoce el séptimo aniversario de la encíclica del Papa Francisco que nos llama a escuchar y responder al "grito de los pobres y al grito de la Tierra". Esperamos que esta celebración se extienda globalmente y una a todas las personas para responder a la santidad de toda la creación mientras celebramos el progreso que todos ustedes han hecho al vivir los conceptos de Laudato Si' y el camino sinodal. Ponentes de todo el mundo compartirán sus conocimientos y trabajos.
January 26, 2022
The week's events will reflect and celebrate the seven Laudato Si' Goals. Pope Francis will open the week with a prayer and reflection at 12:00 pm Rome time. He will have a focus on biodiversity loss, integral ecology, fossil fuels and the climate crisis, ethical investing and ecological spirituality.
The event on May 26 will inaugurate the LSAP Investor Hub, which establishes a series of individual and institutional actions to help the transition to a more ethical economy as requested by Pope Francis. This is a collaboration with the USIG JPIC Commission and An Tairseach. Faith-Consistent Investing: Living Laudato Si' will cover FaithInvest's collaboration with LSAP Investor Hub to provide resources and share stories of people applying Laudato Si' concepts to investing. This event is an opportunity to share and learn ways to use ethical investment techniques to influence companies towards responsible behavior. Please sign up for this program here.
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